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SAEON launches two challenging publications on environmental change

More than a hundred authors from 32 local and eight international organisations joined SAEON in bringing the publication to life...

ACEP takes a new look at ‘old-four-legs’

Scientists embarked on an expedition to study coelacanths and their habitat by means of ACEP’s new ROV...

SAEON, CIRAD and SANParks team up to resist the alien invasion of the Kruger National Park

An online alien plant database is being developed in an effort to curb the spread of invasive species...

The next challenge: Broadening SAEON’s support base

With its last two nodes in place, SAEON is ready to tackle new challenges...

Mass movement, climate change and water delivery implications

Understanding the impacts of climate change on water delivery is a focus area within SAEON’s long-term monitoring framework...

Fynbos Forum 2011: Fynbos and human heritage

The annual Fynbos Forum brings together a range of stakeholders to reflect on challenges and trends in fynbos biodiversity management...

Tracking network project launched to help monitor our oceans

The OTN project will tag thousands of marine animals with the aim of providing answers to global problems such as disappearing fish stocks and climate change...

Building capacity for the WIO and Agulhas Current Observing System

Workshop reports and strategic planning will be used to encourage observations in the South-West Indian Ocean, in particular the Greater Agulhas Current System...

A guide to understanding the physical oceanographic processes of Algoa Bay

The report gives young marine biologists working on SAEON’s Algoa Bay sentinel site an overview of the physical oceanography of the bay...

Scientific method in action – "a truly enriching experience"

This year’s Teachers' Workshop by SAEON’s Ndlovu Node gave participants hands-on experience in the scientific method...

Young scientists are doing it for themselves

The SAEON Elwandle Node’s science camp empowers learners to tackle science projects on their own...

SAEON GSN student presents at international isotope conference

Ander De Lecea was sponsored by SAEON and UKZN to attend two international conferences...

SAEON in the media

SAEON’s people and projects received coverage in local and international media...

List of SAEON publications for 2010/ 2011

In the past financial year SAEON staff authored and co-authored a total of 26 books, book chapters and articles in scientific and popular publications other than SAEON eNews...


“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” - Louis Pasteur (1822 –1895)


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