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Perspectives on the Blue Economy in the Indian Ocean Region

By Nicole du Plessis1
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The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) hosted a workshop under the Blue Economy theme titled ‘Sea Change: Socio-Economic and Sustainability Goals on National Ocean Strategies’.

The event took place on 10 April 2018 at the SAIIA head office in Johannesburg and was attended by local and international participants from government, civil society and academia.

Increasing industrialisation of the ocean space

The workshop was organised to further the discussion surrounding the current international drive of increasing industrialisation of the ocean space, alongside the recognition of the need for a healthy ocean ecosystem. Discussions aimed to explore national efforts to address socio-economic and sustainability concerns simultaneously in the context of global commitments under SDG 14: ‘Life Below Water’.

The opening statement was given by the Norwegian Ambassador to South Africa, H.E. Ambassador Trine Skymoen, in which she highlighted Norway’s dependence on the ocean for its economic development; how its national ocean strategy emphasises sustainability and the environment; their use of marine spatial planning in managing their ocean space; the need for collaboration between countries and international institutions; and South Africa and Norway’s engagement over many years.

This was followed by sessions on Regional perspectives on the Blue Economy; National Blue Economy Programmes as case studies for what is happening in Africa (South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania2); an open session for presentations and input by civil society and academia; and ended with a discussion session. Each session allowed for questions and much interesting discussion and feedback was presented.

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H.E. Ambassador Trine Skymoen (centre) gives her opening remarks at the SAIIA workshop, flanked by the SAIIA hosts, Ms Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (left) and Mr Alex Benkenstein

Dr Gatot Gunawan (left; IORA) and Dr Kaiser Gonçalves de Souza (right; UN ECA) speak on regional perspectives on the Blue Economy

Prof. Ken Findlay (CPUT; SA IORAG) presents on the ongoing discussion of the terminology surrounding the development of industries in the ocean space

Speakers included Dr Gatot Gunawan, Dr Kaiser Gonçalves de Souza and Prof. Ken Findlay. Dr Gunawan provided a summary of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and the various Blue Economy-focused workshops and meetings held within IORA to date. Dr Gonçalves de Souza indicated that the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA) is developing an atlas on Blue Economy for Africa, which is expected to be available at the end of 2018. Prof. Findlay (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, CPUT) presented on the terminology surrounding oceans and blue economies, the need for a more defined definition surrounding this and how it fits into the discussion on marine ecosystem services.

Clearing house for information

While looking at the development of ocean economies from different perspectives, the three country case studies showed the need for similar information, skills and capacity. This, and other discussions within the workshop, highlighted the need to strengthen information sharing within the region with a proposal that a clearing house for information (events, programmes, data) on the Blue Economy be established.

At the 17th IORA Council of Ministers and Related Meetings held in Durban in 2017, where South Africa took over as chair of IORA, a decision was taken to establish a Working Group on the Blue Economy, as well as a Working Group on Maritime Safety and Security. Currently, terms of reference are being developed for these working groups. The IORA Action Plan 2017-2021 also lists the strengthening of the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group (IORAG) as a short-term goal.

These initiatives could become a good first step in enhancing the IORA’s role as a platform for capacity building, knowledge transfer and collaboration on marine and maritime themes within the region.

1Nicole du Plessis is the coordinator of the South African Chapter of the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group (SA IORAG) based at SAEON’s Egagasini Node. The SA IORAG was established in 2016 to create a network of academics that could undertake research (locally and internationally) under the ambit of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), provide policy input into South Africa’s positions within IORA, and represent South Africa at relevant academic IORA-related meetings.

2South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania are members of IORA.

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