South African Environmental Observation Network


SAEON provides opportunities for career development and advancement in various fields of Environmental Sciences, focusing on long-term observation and monitoring research. These include agro-ecology, climatology and meteorology, coast and marine sciences, conservation ecology, environmental information systems, environmental science education, freshwater ecology, hydrology, modelling, palaeoecology, pollution science, science communication, soil science and terrestrial ecology.

SAEON provides opportunities for graduates to do their internship at the nodes as well as the National Office. It also offers short-term employment contracts to students and unemployed graduates to work on specific projects. It provides substantive employment opportunities mostly to individuals with postgraduate qualifications (MSc, PhD) to work as research scientists, technicians, data and information scientists, data managers, node managers, science education outreach officers, programme coordinators/managers, and science communication practitioners. Once employed, individuals are given different forms of support to enable them to grow in their careers. These include educational support for higher degrees, skills development courses as well as management development programmes.

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